Our vocational rehabilitation services include:
Vocational Assessment
Case Management
Aptitude and Achievement Testing
Interest Testing
Transferable Skills Analysis
Job Analysis/Job Site Analysis
Employer Consultation
Vocational Counseling & Rehabilitation Planning
Labor Market Research
Job Seeking Skills Training
Resume Preparation
Job Placement
Schooling/Training Coordination
Collaborative Divorce Assessment and Counseling
The goal of our rehabilitation services is to return an injured worker to work either with their time of injury employer or within the general labor market. When loss of earning capacity is an issue, retraining plans can be developed to assist in restoring an individual to his/her pre-injury earning capacity.
We work as Certified Private Vocational Rehabilitation Specialists in Wisconsin Worker's Compensation cases. Our consultants are skilled in the application of counseling techniques to assist in establishing appropriate vocational goals. We are trained in the administration of vocational tests of achievement, aptitudes, interests, and special skills. Testing is utilized when appropriate to assist in identifying vocational goals and to determine the appropriateness of vocational retraining programs.